
domingo, fevereiro 25, 2007

15 dias.....

É.. realmente os dias estão vuando... Tenho mais 2 semaninhas de Brasil e isso está me deixando assustada! Tantas coisas pra ver ainda, pra separar, pra providenciar! aiii vou ficar loucaaa!!!rs..
Espero não esquecer de nada!!!! Se alguém tiver algumas dicas aí, será muito válida!!!
Meus Hosts como sempre estão sendo perfeitos.. atenciosos d+! me mandaram mais ums fotinhos abaixo!
Fiz uma seleção de uns emails que trocamos que gostei muito! Todos escritos pela minha host Roni!!!! Segue abaixo tbm!
É isso! Agora só escrevo um ida antes do embarque! uhuu!!! Mal posso esperar!

Espero que o tempo melhore em NYC.. muito frio e neve.. pior que nem tenho vontade de comprar roupas de frio aqui.. com este calor daqui desanima mesmo! Tenho que começar a providenciar com urgenciaaa!!!!rs..
É isso! Muitas saudades já dos amigos e familia!

beijos a todos!

"Every day is closer and closer to when you will be here!!! We can't wait!!!! And not just for you to take care of Eddie - we just can't wait for you to be a part of our family! We are going to have a lot of fun =)"

"Oh, we can't wait!!!! We are so excited to see you! And you will have such
fun the first 5 days in New York! I know you will be working hard with the
agency classes, but hopefully you will have time to go out, and someone
from the agency will take you around New York City!! It may be cold in the
city when you get here (that time of year the weather is funny - it can be
very cold or getting warmer) so make sure that you either have a good coat
or you buy one when you get here!! Things are very expensive in New York
City, though, so you might want to buy one in Brazil and bring with you -
just in case if you don't have one already"

"I know we are getting so close to having you here - we are SO excited!! Everything is almost done in the rooms downstairs! The carpet is ready to be installed - we just have to wait for the builder to come back and fix the stairs to the basement since we just found out that they made a mistake when they built the house, and they need to make some changes=( Hopefully that will happen this week, and then the carpet will go in next week. We still have to get a bed for downstairs too, but we will have everything ready for you! =)"

"I know you will miss your family and dog while you are here - we will make sure that you have the webcam in your room so you can see your family as often as you like! And don't forget that your family is welcome to come visit and stay with us. I know your mom is nervous about this but we would pick her up at the airport and make sure that she was safe. =)
I am so excited for you to be here - I tell everyone how wonderful you are and how lucky we are to have found you!!=)"

"This weekend we are going to go out and get a bed for your room! =) Also, we are going to get some couches for the play room downstairs since that will be like an apartment for you also!
It is getting closer and closer- we are SO excited!!!!
Have a great weekend and please say hi to your parents from us!!"

sábado, fevereiro 10, 2007

28 dias...

É isso mesmo... faltam somente 28 dias pro embarque!!! Uhuuu!!! Com as malas quase prontas... quase tudo comprado já.. só alegria!! =)

Agora é esperar o carnaval chegar e logo depois... bye bye Brasilll!!!

Uma fotinhos novas que recebi!